Designed by Barry Fitzgerald & Steve Mera

Project Doorway

‘A lifetime of experience distilled into a series of enlightening lectures’.

S. Mera

B. Fitzgerald

Project Doorway, founded by Barry Fitzgerald and Steve Mera, focuses on studying UFO/UAP encounters and their connection to cryptid sightings and greater paranormal events originating in magnetic regions.

“SETI researchers uncovered a disconcerting hush in the cosmos, this prompted Fitzgerald & Mera to develop a shift in focus towards surprisingly closer anomalies?”

Prominent UAP researcher, Jacques Vallee, a French scholar in mathematics and astrophysics from Sorbonne in Paris, gained renown for his innovative investigations into the enigma of UFO sightings.

Vallee posited that these mysterious objects are not merely extraterrestrial vessels, but rather entities capable of traversing between alternate dimensions, however, new research suggests this may not be accurate, rather their origins are much closer to home.



About the Lectures

“The time for chasing our tails is over.”

Within the séance rooms of old, just as out in the fields and skies of each, of our own lands, anything can be manifested into a solid state. The problem is, we are not the ones manifesting it.

A massive amount of deceptive manifestations have conveyed themselves as aliens, ghosts, and other entities that sparks curiosity about their true nature. Should we reconsider a deity who rejects our offerings of fruit and vegetables, yet is enticed by the alluring aroma of sacrificial blood?

“Their power, once unleashed, can be both enlightening and overwhelming.”

Project Doorway utilizes advanced technology to identify locations that are conducive to greater paranormal encounters that include Ufological, and Cryptid in nature. Researchers will learn essential safety precautions and avoid common pitfalls while exploring these phenomena.

The Modern UAP

In today's media landscape, technological advancements that rightfully belong to us are often misrepresented. Chinese spy balloons have been classified as UAP, which seems ridiculous. We may not be scientists, but we can easily recognize a balloon.

The UAP hearings lack evidence and credibility, leaving us no closer to the truth, and despite decades of discussion the hearings only added more layers for serious researchers to peel.

“Their enigmatic nature has invoked a sense of both reverence and trepidation.”

Rock strata and magnetic anomalies play a significant role in the mysterious encounters experienced by humanity in certain areas. Aspects of the true phenomenon involve the interplay between positive and negative magnetic fields, leading to tales of good versus evil throughout history, a fight that was never ours.

Since the mid-1850s, a mysterious new player has emerged, leaving its trace in the people and the land. It remains unidentified and uninterested in being found, working within strong negative anomalies. We simply mark it as 'Other'.

Reaching Out

Throughout our development over the ages we have been periodically joined by a story on broken record, a story which appears again and again, each time evolving and shaping its poison to fit with the time period of those listening to it.

Unless we absorb the wisdom left by our ancestors or learn to access the great library beyond we will be destined to repeat the record, and like those before us, vanish into the sands of time haven not broken the goddamn record player

If you are interested in having the speakers attend your event, please reach out to them by using the booking link provided above to discuss the details.

“Knowledge is our greatest tool.”